HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Did you know, that today, February 14, is also the day that PET CENTRICS CELEBRATES ITS 5th YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Amazing, to say the least! I feel so blessed to have been on this journey for so long now. Although I’ve been privileged to serve as instructor and guide to so many dog owners since I started offering Pet Centrics Dog Training Courses in 2011, the added privilege is that I’ve learned just as much from my students and their dogs, and that my experiences with you have helped me grow as a veterinarian, trainer and canine behavior consultant. And as if that wasn’t enough, many of my students, human and dog, have also now become very good friends.

Thank you to all of you, who have entrusted me to give counsel, and to help build your relationship with your dog. It’s a responsibility that I do not take lightly and I will continue to strive to improve myself in my profession to be able to serve you better in the years to come.

What’s in store for Pet Centrics? Let me begin by sharing that my accumulated experience and knowledge have inspired me to write my very first e-book – as yet without a proper title – written for new puppy owners who may be struggling with raising and training their new family member. This has been something that I’ve been working on for some months now, and I’m very excited to make this digital guide available to new puppy owners very soon in the weeks to come. I do hope you support this e-book once it becomes available online. I have devoted much time and effort to ensure that the contents are truly informative and useful, not only to new puppy owners but to dog owners in general; and I am confident that you will find it extremely helpful with your struggles with your dog.

In addition to this, I have also been spending a great deal of time updating, improving and digitizing Pet Centrics Training Course Materials to provide easier – not to mention paperless – access to my students, to help them review and gain greater in depth learning about dogs and dog training topics. Students can now gain access to online material by visiting the Student Portal at www.training.petcentrics.ph. Even non-enrolled visitors to the site will be able to access free content to learn a little about the Pet Centrics Training Philosophy and to try some of the Foundation Exercises.

Lastly, you must have noticed that I’ve been quite remiss in the past months with writing new articles to appear in the Pet Centrics blog. But upon finishing my e-book – with only the editing and a few finishing touches left to be done (Yay!) – you can be assured that I will get back to writing more blog articles to discuss important pet-related topics and to provide you with useful up to date information.

Needless to say, I’m very excited for the year ahead! And once again, I want to offer a big THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me and shared this journey with me thus far. It’s been a fun ride with all of you – friends, clients and, of course, all of your wonderful dogs –  and I sure don’t plan on having it end anytime soon!

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day and be sure to give all of your dogs a big hug, a kiss and extra treats for this special occasion!

– Doc Marose – 

5 Years And Counting!


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